What we believe about . . .


We believe that the Bible is the Word of God without any error, the sole authority for life and faith.



We believe that there is one true, eternal, and holy God existing in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.



We believe that Jesus Christ is wholly God and wholly man. He was born of a virgin into our world, lived a sinless life, died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for our sins, was buried, arose bodily from the grave, and ascended into Heaven.



We believe that God the Holy Spirit is active in convincing unbelievers of their need for salvation, and He is the Comforter and Guide Who lives in every believer.



We believe that God created every human being in His image, but through the sin of Adam, the first man, the entire human race fell, so that all men and women in this world are sinners in need of the grace of God for salvation.



We believe that salvation is the gift of God, received through repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ.



We believe that every person who is truly saved is eternally secure in the Lord Jesus Christ.



We believe that baptism follows salvation and should be carried out by immersion in water as an act of obedience to the command of Jesus Christ



We believe that the church is comprised of all truly professing baptized believers.



We believe that those persons who die in their sins without Christ spend eternity in Hell and those persons who die with their sins forgiven through Christ spend eternity in Heaven.



We believe in the bodily, visible return of Jesus Christ to earth.



We believe that a biblical marriage is a covenant between one man and one woman for a lifetime. We believe that fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and all other sexual activity outside of biblical marriage is sin.



We believe every believer has direct access to God through Jesus Christ and can come directly into His presence through prayer, believing that God will hear and answer every prayer in His name.



We believe in the separation of church and state, but not in separation of God and government. Christians are salt and light in society.



We believe every believer is equipped with spiritual gifts to serve the Lord in His church and share the Gospel with others.